Are you sharing these stories online somewhere? [19] In September 2018, it was reported that in 2015, two psychiatrists and other training officers had raised concerns about Noor's fitness for police duty. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Nicolas Sarkozy, le destin de Brutus. [48] On February 15, 2018, Harrity appeared before the grand jury. Il poursuit dans La Lune et le Téton de Bigas Luna, qui lui rapporte le prix Jean-Gabin 1983. Aloïse Sauvage is a French multidisciplinary artist active in music , contemporary circus , cinema and dance. The series was created by Abd-el-Kader Aoun, Xavier Matthew and Éric Judor, and produced by Phillippe Berthe, Édouard Molinaro, Jean-Luc Moreau and Charles Némès.It ran from 24 October 1998 to 20 April 2002 on Canal+.In Canada, it is shown weekly on TV5. Après avoir mené une vie de voyou sous le nom de « Trompe-la-mort »[2] ou « Riquet de Bastille »[3], il devient représentant en vin. [38], On July 19, 2017, Republican Michele Bachmann, who had represented Minnesota's 6th congressional district in the U.S. Congress from January 2007 to January 2015, stated during a speech at the Eighth Annual Hog Roast and Republican gubernatorial forum in Waconia, Minnesota that Noor was an "affirmative-action hire". – BREITMAN, Zabou. 1992 ː C'est trop con avèk Nathalie Richard, Patrick Bonnel. [26] Noor testified that he did not see Damond's hand or any object in it, but nonetheless believed that his partner "feared for his life" and "there was a threat". ISBN 2-207-25751-7. – BRUEL, Pa Monte-Carlo Masters er en tennisturnering for professionelle mandlige tennisspillere, der hvert år i april måned afvikles på grusbaner i Monte-Carlo Country Club i Roquebrune-Cap-Martin, Frankrig nær grænsen til Monaco. I am sending a shuttlecraft to find Captain Picard, gambling that the Tamarians will sit tight rather than risk an exchange of phaser fire." Videos Family Business. He referred to the recent death of a New York City officer killed in her squad car. Sprache; Beobachten; Bearbeiten < Wikipedia:Positivlisten | Chartacts in Frankreich (Weitergeleitet von Wikipedia:Positivlisten/Chartacts in Frankreich) Positivlisten Chartacts. Gérard Darmon naît à Paris l'année suivante. Paris: Michalon. [53], The Somali-American Police Association issued a statement after the verdict claiming that racial bias contributed to Noor's conviction. On July 15, 2017, Justine Damond (née Ruszczyk) a 40-year-old Australian-American woman, was fatally shot by 33-year-old Minneapolis Police Department officer Mohamed Noor after she had called 9-1-1 to report the possible assault of a woman in an alley … In a televised interview, he dismissed the claims of Harrity's attorney (that it was reasonable for the officers to fear ambush) as "disinformation". ISBN 2-84186-270-4. Damond's family and friends held a sunrise vigil for her at Freshwater Beach on July 19, 2017. Poursuivi en justice, l'acteur est relaxé pour ces propos mais condamné à 500 euros d'amende pour avoir qualifié Gilbert Collard de « petit con »[11]. du Seuil. En septembre 2011, dans l'émission On n'est pas couché, il estime que Gilbert Collard, président du comité de soutien de Marine Le Pen, est « légèrement à droite d'Hitler au niveau des idées »[10]. Christine Truman (Semifinalist) Mary Habicht (Fourth round) Liz Starkie ... Darmon: 14 Ebbern: 14 Ebbern: 7: 6: Rees-Lewis 5 2 Kavnat 1 1 Rees-Lewis: 6: 6: Rees-Lewis: 6: 7: Blakelock 4 5 Blakelock: 3 Hard : Section 7. Les parents de Gérard Darmon sont des berbères judaïsés vivant en Algérie. Find Peter Grauer online. Über Wikipedia; Impressum; Suchen. She doesn't however, appreciate the fact that Amelia constantly treats her like a child, giving her … It seems inexplicable. En 1980, Gérard Darmon est remarqué au cinéma par le grand public dans Diva de Jean-Jacques Beineix, puis dans Le Grand Pardon d'Alexandre Arcady en 1982, aux côtés de Roger Hanin. [28] At Noor's trial, prosecutors presented evidence that Damond's fingerprints were not on the police car, suggesting she had never made contact with it, and prosecutors called two expert witnesses on the police use of force, who testified that Noor's decision to shoot was unreasonable. That's why I'm wondering if they'll ask whether his cultural views led him to shoot her. [49], On March 20, 2018, a warrant was issued for third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter charges, and Noor turned himself in to police. "[39], Malcolm Turnbull, the prime minister of Australia, said that the Australian government wanted answers:[40]. This is a shocking killing. Dans la peau de Sarko et de ceux qui veulent sa peau. [4], On March 20, 2018, Noor was charged with second-degree manslaughter and third-degree murder. Le 14 août 2017, Christine donne naissance à leur premier enfant à l'âge de 44 ans, une fille prénommée Lena[16]. Postavljene igralke Seznam postavljenih igralk. This page contains information specifically pertaining to the second season of Star Trek: Discovery, whose episode premieres were consecutively streamed on CBS All Access for the USA and broadcast on Space/Z for Canada from 17 January 2019 through 18 April 2019, with the rest of the world following suit with one day delay through streaming service Netflix. She graduated in 2002 from the University of Sydney as a veterinarian, then worked as a spiritual healer and meditation coach. This is sensible as some Greeks identifie… Ein Kennzeichen für den Jazzgesang ist z. "[57] Less than a week after Damond's killing, Harteau was ousted, after Mayor Betsy Hodges said that she and the city had lost confidence in Harteau's ability to lead. C'est donc vers la télévision qu'il se tourne pour évoluer dans un registre dramatique. En 2003, fervent admirateur du crooner américain Frank Sinatra, Gérard Darmon se lance dans la chanson en enregistrant deux albums, « Au milieu de la nuit », puis « Dancing » (de vieux succès, chansons d'amour créées entre 1950 et 1980, en italien, en français, en anglais et en espagnol) en 2006 et en se produisant deux fois à l'Olympia. [52] Under Minnesota law, third-degree murder is defined as "a person causing the death of another by perpetrating an act eminently dangerous to others and without regard for human life, but without intent to cause the death of any person"; second-degree manslaughter is defined as "whoever by culpable negligence, whereby he creates an unreasonable risk and consciously takes the chance of causing death or great bodily harm to another person, causes the death of another is guilty of manslaughter in the second degree". [55], On June 7, 2019, Noor was sentenced to 12½ years in prison. Angela Mortimer đánh bại Christine Truman trong trận chung kết, 4–6, 6–4, 7–5 để giành chức vô địch Đơn nữ tại Giải quần vợt Wimbledon 1961. Februar 1948 zu Paräis, ass e franséische Schauspiller a Sänger. Son petit fils, Tom, naît en 1998. She met Don Damond, a U.S. citizen, while attending a neuroscience workshop. This officer completed that training very well, just like every officer. Ellisha Derhun 5:52 am | 13 September 2016. Über Wikipedia; Impressum; Suchen. Dal 2000 vive con Christine, di vent'anni più giovane, che sposa il 12 marzo 2014. As they begin to descend, the Ta… [29], Both officers had their body cameras switched off. … Paris: Éd. Son père, Henri Messaoud Darmon, quitte Oran pour Paris en 1937. Noor claimed self defense. Biyografi Zèv li yo Tankou reyalizatè. Il participe activement aux concerts des Enfoirés entre 2003 et 2009 et donne régulièrement des concerts en France et à l'étranger. En 1994, il joue dans le film La Cité de la peur des Nuls où il danse une fameuse Carioca avec Alain Chabat. Noir, Victor (2005). [22] Dispatchers categorized the call as "unknown trouble: female screaming"—a relatively low priority. [37], The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) issued a statement calling the non-use of body cameras "unacceptable". W. 51st Street alley between Washburn and Xerxes avenues, This page was last edited on 11 December 2020, at 07:55. Gérard Darmon rencontre Nicole Recoules dans un cours d'art dramatique, fin 1966. Ann Haydon / Christine Truman (Vòng ba) 0 3. En 1987, il fait la connaissance d'Anaïs Jeanneret qui sera sa compagne quelque temps. Blue Lives Matter countered, claiming officers making a simple area check have no reason to use them. Something clearly went tragically wrong. Faith Eamon is the protagonist of EMR, leading each season's cast against the leaders of Harrier Marsh and eventually facing off with the Grandfather Siren himself. [41] A further sunrise vigil was conducted at the same beach on July 15, 2018. De Gérard Darmon gebuer den 29. Maria Bueno là đương kim vô địch, tuy nhiên không bảo vệ danh hiệu vì bị bệnh vàng da. [50] With the approval of the court, prosecutors later upgraded the charges against Noor to second-degree intentional murder. Fille de l’acteur-réalisateur Jean-Claude DERET. Journaliste et présentatrice de télévision. ; Tankou aktè Ane 1970 yo. ", "Noor trial: Bicyclist's testimony heavy on drama, light on facts", "Justine Damond shooting: US lawyer hits back at officer's ambush claims", "911 call transcript offers glimpse into Justine Damond's final moments before fatal shooting by Minneapolis police", "Australian woman shot, killed by Minneapolis police", "Hundreds march from the site of Justine Damond's shooting to Beard's Plaisance Park during a march in honor of Damond Thursday, July 20, 2017, in Minneapolis. Na Roland Garrosu 1958. je u paru s Valerie Forbes došla do četvrtzavršnice, u kojoj su ispale od Australki Lorraine Coghlan i Fay Muller. [26] Noor, however, fired once through the open window, fatally striking Damond in the abdomen. [25] Harrity drew his weapon, but pointed it downward and did not fire. Friedman, Jean-Pierre (2005). Son père, Henri Messaoud Darmon, quitte Oran pour Paris en 1937. Speaking to World Net Daily, Bachmann said "Noor comes from the mandated cover-up women culture. Athena's cult as the patron of Athens seems to have existed from the earliest times and was so persistent that archaic myths about her were recast to adapt to cultural changes. Darmon, Michaël (2004). [11], Mohamed Mohamed Noor[12] (born October 20, 1985, in Qoryoley, Somalia)[13] was the officer who shot Damond. [20], On the night of the shooting, Damond called 9-1-1 at 11:27 p.m., and again eight minutes later, 11:35 p.m.[21] She reported that she thought she heard a woman either having sex or being raped. En novembre 2016, il cosigne une tribune avec d'autres personnalités du monde du spectacle pour dénoncer le « Hollande-bashing » rappelant « tout ce qui a été accompli » notamment « la sanctuarisation du budget de la culture »[13],[14]. Following the deadly shooting, the Star Tribune reported Noor's police training had been "fast tracked", making reference to the seven-month immersive training program for cadets; some suburban police departments see the cadet programs as a way to quickly diversify their police forces. Driven by the goal to free her sister from Goldcrown's grip, Faith is approached by Kevin Ranun to strike a deal. Depuis 2000, il vit en couple avec Christine, de vingt-cinq ans sa cadette, qu'il épouse le 12 mars 2014[15]. La dernière modification de cette page a été faite le 17 décembre 2020 à 14:06. », « Gilbert Collard traité de "petit c..." : Gérard Darmon condamné », « Hollande et Sarkozy, les célébrités à leurs côtés », « Trader Caméraman #5 "Le Traiteur" feat Gérard Darmon », Nomination ou promotion dans l'ordre des Arts et des Lettres, juillet 2004, Réseau des bibliothèques de Suisse occidentale, Portail de la culture juive et du judaïsme,érard_Darmon&oldid=177729016, Acteur ayant incarné Caius Cassius Longinus (tribun de la plèbe), Lauréat de la médaille de la Ville de Paris, Catégorie Commons avec lien local identique sur Wikidata, Article de Wikipédia avec notice d'autorité, Page pointant vers des dictionnaires ou encyclopédies généralistes, Page pointant vers des bases relatives à l'audiovisuel, Page pointant vers des bases relatives à la musique, Page pointant vers des bases relatives au spectacle, Portail:Télévision française/Articles liés, Portail:Biographie/Articles liés/Culture et arts, licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mêmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence. [14], In two years as a police officer, Noor had three formal complaints against him, two of which, in September 2017, were pending resolution. On July 15, 2017, Justine Damond (née Ruszczyk)[2] a 40-year-old Australian-American woman,[3] was fatally shot by 33-year-old Minneapolis Police Department officer Mohamed Noor after she had called 9-1-1 to report the possible assault of a woman in an alley behind her house. En 1983, il joue son premier vrai rôle dans le film Les Princes de Tony Gatlif, puis poursuit avec On ne meurt que deux fois de Jacques Deray, 37°2 le matin de Jean-Jacques Beineix avec Béatrice Dalle et Jean-Hugues Anglade, Pour Sacha d'Alexandre Arcady avec Sophie Marceau (un film sur la Guerre des Six Jours en Israël). [60] Bob Kroll, the president of the Minneapolis police officers' union, objected to having cameras recording while officers are on the way to a call, saying that officers' discussion of tactics "while responding to a call should not be publicly disseminated". My grandma was a pstient there. Voulant se marier, des membres des familles font circuler des photos et c'est ainsi que lui et sa femme se choisissent. If so, feel free to leave a link here – I’d love to read them, and I’m sure others would too. Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Images, Youtube and more on IDCrawl - the leading free people search engine. [17] Noor's police training had been part of the cadet program for the Minneapolis Police Department, an accelerated[17] seven-month program aimed at candidates who already have a college degree and wish to enter law enforcement. They did not take anything from the property. [62], 2017 police killing in Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States, List of killings by law enforcement officers in the United States, "Damond timeline highlights two mystery minutes after police arrived", "Woman killed by Minneapolis police a month before wedding", "Family of Australian Woman Shot by Police Sues Minneapolis", "A Black Officer, a White Woman, a Rare Murder Conviction. Il est par ailleurs président en 2007 et 2018 du Festival de La Foa, organisé tous les ans en Nouvelle-Calédonie[9]. Lors de cette émission, intitulée « Gérard Darmon, dix ans déjà », le présentateur Alain Chabat et ses invités rendent hommage à l'acteur avec force canulars. List 3 - Wikipedia - the Jewish boasting version, ... – BRAVO, Christine. Sa mère quitte Aïn El Arbaa en Algérie en 1947 pour rejoindre son mari à Paris[4]. Family Business: Season 1 (Trailer) Family Business: Season 1 (Recap) Episodes Family Business . Darmon 7:03 pm | 19 August 2016. Ispala je u četvrtzavršnici od 3. nositeljice Christine Truman 3:6, 3:6. Repéré par Roger Hanin qui lui fait tourner quelques petits rôles au cinéma, la directrice de casting Margot Capelier l'engage en 1973 pour un rôle secondaire dans Les Aventures de Rabbi Jacob de Gérard Oury (il est l'un des hommes de main du méchant Farès, dans la célèbre scène de l'usine de chewing-gum)[5]. 1. [10] Damond held dual Australian and United States citizenship, as her father, John Ruszczyk, holds US citizenship. I believe the actions in question go against who we are as a department, how we train, and the expectations we are as a department. Two months before the shooting, Noor pointed a gun at the head of a driver he had pulled over for a minor traffic violation. The 1968 Federation Cup was the sixth edition of what is now known as the Fed Cup. Après avoir mené une vie de voyou sous le nom de « Trompe-la-mort »2 ou « Riquet de Bastille »3, il devient représentant en vin. After that, it is unknown to BCA agents what exactly happened, but the female became deceased in the alley. [54], In May 2019, Noor's attorneys lodged a motion for acquittal on both charges, arguing that the evidence was insufficient. ", "Mohamed Noor's sentence raises uncomfortable questions about race", "Minneapolis officer who shot Justine Damond offers condolences", "Justine Damond fatally shot through door of Minneapolis police car, sources say", "Police officer who shot Justine Damond had less than two years' experience", Minneapolis Police Officer Convicted of Murder in Shooting of Australian Woman, "Somali-American Police Officer Sentenced to 12.5 Years in Death of Minneapolis Woman", "Australian Justine Damond shot dead by US police in Minneapolis", "Minneapolis police officer charged with murder, manslaughter in Justine Damond case", "Mohamed Noor's story began in Somalia, an ocean away", "State of Minnesota vs, Mohamed Mohamed Noor", "Minneapolis woman killed by police: What we know and don't know", "Somali immigrant cop Mohamed Noor, who shot Justine Damond, was 'highly celebrated' by Minneapolis mayor in 2015", "Officials: Australian woman shot after cops heard loud sound", "Fast-track training put officer Mohamed Noor on Minneapolis police force", "Minneapolis police damning of officer who shot Justine", "There is No "Fast-Track" Training Option for MPD Officers", "News Reports About 'Fast-Track Training' Are False: MPD", "Filing: Mohamed Noor raised red flags among psychiatrists, training officers", "Ruszczyk's 911 call audio: Deep breath, worried voice", "Australian shot dead by Minneapolis officer called 911 twice", "A 911 Call, an Unarmed Woman and a Single Shot: The Mystery of a Police Shooting", "The 911 call to report suspected rape that led to police shooting innocent woman minutes later", "Officer Heard Loud Noise Before Partner Shot Minneapolis Woman, Officials Say", "Partner of Mohamed Noor: Feared ambush before Justine Damond shot", "Witness in Justine Damond shooting comes forward, source says part of encounter was filmed", "A Former Minnesota Cop Dramatically Testified About The Moment He Shot And Killed An Unarmed Australian Woman", "Noor trial: Closing arguments done, case goes to jury", "Australian Woman Shot Dead by Minneapolis Police Officer After Calling 911 Herself", "Good Question: What Are The Policies On Body Cameras In Minneapolis? Best in class Yahoo Mail, breaking local, national and global news, finance, sports, music, movies and more. Pierre Palmade intervient également au sein de cet album de l'amitié dans l'écriture d'un texte. [59], Following the shooting, Minneapolis acting police chief Medaria Arradondo announced that police officers would be required to turn on body-worn cameras during all calls and traffic stops. [34], The day after the killing, a vigil in Damond's memory was held at the site of her death in the alleyway entrance located on the north side of West 51st Street between Xerxes Avenue South and Washburn Avenue South in Minneapolis. [33], Damond's family retained attorney Robert Bennett, the same lawyer who represented the family of Philando Castile. Gérard’s teaser. Reply. [47], In February 2018, a grand jury was convened to investigate Damond's death. The service was at the bandshell and there was a silent walk around the lake afterwards. She is hired to become a Siren herself to take her sister's place, or at least lessen the burden she carries. "[43] Among items collected were fingerprints from the rear cargo door window of the squad car. Son prénom est choisi car l'acteur « Gérard Philipe était à la mode »[5]. Noor's partner, Matthew Harrity (then 25 years old), was the driver of their squad car. Alt = zamenjava SE = oproščena kvalifikacij PR = zaščiten položaj w/o, b.b. Ils se marient en 1968 et, la même année, ont une fille, Virginie. [5] In June 2019, Noor was sentenced to 12.5 years in prison. Lyen deyò. ویکفیلد، هربرت راسل، لندرو، ریش آبی فرانسوی، داکورث، لندن، ۱۹۳۶. The Greek philosopher, Plato (429–347 BCE), identified her with the Libyan deity, Neith, the war-goddess and huntress deity of the Egyptians since the ancient Pre-Dynastic period, who was also identified with weaving. [30] Minneapolis introduced police body cameras in 2016, but their activation was not mandatory in all situations. Is It 'Hypocrisy,' or Justice? [23] The officers attempted CPR to no avail; Damond died 20 minutes later. [27], Harrity later told a supervisor "We both got spooked. De Michel Auclair, gebuer als Vladimir Vujovic de 14.September 1922 zu Koblenz a gestuerwen de 7. Attività politica. [61], A documentary on the life and death of Damond was shown on Australian Story in November 2017. Il 14 agosto 2017, Christine dà alla luce la loro prima figlia, di nome Lena. En 2014 et 2016, il incarne ainsi un inspecteur corse dans la série policière de France Télévisions, Duel au soleil créée par Olivier Guignard. [15] At the time of the shooting, Noor had been with the Minneapolis Police Department for 21 months; Harrity had been on the force for one year. Sauf indication contraire ou complémentaire, les informations mentionnées dans cette section peuvent être confirmées par la base de données IMDb. Sarko Star. Noticed as an actress in the film 120 beats per minute in 2017, she embarked on music in 2018, her original clips meeting with public success on the web . Ce n'est pas sa première collaboration avec Les Nuls puisqu'il avait participé à l'émission Les Nuls, l'émission[a]. en 1993. ISBN 2-02-066826-2. Wikimedia-Liste. Sa mère quitte Aïn El Arbaa en 1947 p… L'avocat marseillais lui répond ultérieurement en dénonçant « une banalisation de l'hitlérisme et du nazisme », ainsi que des manœuvres empreintes d'intrigue et d'instrumentation[10]. H is a French sitcom with seventy-one 22-minute episodes. [24], Officers Noor and Harrity, after driving through an alley with the lights off on their police Ford Explorer, heard no signs of criminal activity. Wikipedia:Positivlisten/Chartacts in Frankreich/Singles. Faith's older twin sister. ; 2006 ː Le Pressentiment avèk Didier Bezace, adaptasyon zèv Emmanuel Bove. Worf takes the shuttle Magellan with Ensign Kellogg to the surface of El-Adrel IV to rescue Captain Picard. Tomlinson, Richard, Landru's Secret: The Seductions Deadly of Lonely Hearts France Killer Serial, Pen & Sword, Yorkshire and Philadelphia، ۲۰۱۸. Reply. Voulant se marier, des membres des familles font circuler des photos et c'est ainsi que lui et sa femme se choisissent. – BREDIN, Jean-Denis. Gérard Darmon durante le elezioni del 2008 a Parigi. Reinhard, Philippe (2005). Il découvre sa vocation d'artiste vers 10 ans, en colonie de vacances en Bretagne, lorsqu'il pastiche le jeu radiophonique Quitte ou double. Le 17 juin 2012, il est naturalisé marocain à titre exceptionnel par le roi Mohammed VI[1]. How can a woman out in the street in her pyjamas seeking assistance from the police be shot like that? Cependant, suite à ce succès, il ne tourne que des comédies au cinéma, à quelques exceptions près. Yahoo makes it easy to enjoy what matters most in your world. Release year: 2019. Christine Truman Janes: Rezultat finala 4–6, 6–4, 7–5 Turnirji Posamično moški ženske: Dvojice moške ženske mešane: Prvenstvo Anglije 1961 - ženske posamično < 1960: 1962 > Rezultati Prvenstva Anglije 1961 v tenisu za ženske posamično. [6], Minneapolis Chief of Police Janeé Harteau was traveling with her family at the time of Damond's killing and returned to Minneapolis four days later. [23] Harrity would later indicate "that he was startled by a loud sound near the squad" and, just then, Damond approached the police car's driver-side window. Damond, of Australia, was shot and killed by a Minneapolis police officer on Saturday, Jul", "Sage, smoke, and questions: Justine Damond remembered at moving memorial", "Official Page with Program Schedule for the Minneapolis Memorial of Justine Damond", "ACLU calls lack of body camera use in shooting "unacceptable, "Fireworks may have startled Justine Damond's killer, US police officer Mohamed Noor", "Hundreds flock to Sydney's Freshwater Beach for vigil for Australian Justine Damond", "Sydney beach memorial for Justine Damond as family awaits justice", "Warrant: Woman slapped squad car before cop fatally shot Ruszczyk", "Search Warrants in Damond Shooting Indicate Woman Slapped Patrol Car", "Authorities Searched Damond's Home; Law Prof Believes That Could 'Cause An International Incident, "Prosecution's case against Noor takes a hit with restrictions on trial evidence", "Minneapolis Police Officer Who Fatally Shot Justine Damond Refusing To Be Interviewed", "Minneapolis officer says partner fired shot that killed Australian woman moments after loud sound", "Grand jury convenes in police shooting of Justine Damond", "Partner of officer who shot Justine Damond appears before grand jury", "Minneapolis police officer Mohamed Noor turns himself in on murder, manslaughter charges in Justine Damond killing", "Murder charge upgraded against Justine Damond policeman", "Prosecutors seek intentional murder charge against ex-cop who killed Justine Damond", "Justine Damond: US policeman guilty of Australian's murder", "Twelve jurors, 24 hours, two guilty verdicts: the inside story of the Justine Ruszczyk trial", "Police association claims racial prejudice played major role in Mohamed Noor's conviction", "Justine Damond death: Minneapolis police chief Janee Harteau awarded", "Minneapolis Police Chief Harteau: 'Justine didn't have to die, "Minneapolis Police Chief Forced Out After Fatal Shooting of Australian Woman", "Minneapolis Police Chief Janeé Harteau resigns", "In Mayor Betsy Hodges' re-election loss, Minneapolis voters were 'looking for something different'", "Did a policy aimed at building trust in the Minneapolis Police Department end up doing the opposite? Speakerine se yon mini-seri televizyon fransèz nan sis (6) epizòd 52 minit reyalize pa Laurent Tuel, sou yon senaryo Nicole Jamet, Véronique Lecharpy, Sylvain Saada, Valentine Milville ak José Caltagirone e difize ant 16 avril ak 30 avril 2018 sou France 2.